Happy February! Spring is getting closer and closer. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm. Us northerners got hit with a blizzard last night and theres another coming from the south tonight. Here's to praying that theirs cancellations tomorrow so I can sleep in. :)
Sorry for the bad photos :(
Ree made Jan's Dilly Bread a few weeks ago and I have been dieing to try them. I know your probably screaming at the fact that cottage cheese was even mentioned but you can't tell there is any in it. These were so wonderfully good, I had to stop myself from eating the whole pan before dinner. These were pretty simple to make and like many yeast recipes of Ree's they didn't require kneading.
Cottage Cheese Dill Bread
adapted from The Pioneer Woman
1 package (2 1/4 Teaspoons) Active Dry Yeast
¼ cups Warm Water
1 cup Cottage Cheese, Heated To Lukewarm
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon Minced Dried Onion
1 Tablespoon Softened Butter
2 teaspoons Dill Seed or Dill Weed
1 teaspoon Salt
¼ teaspoons Baking Soda
1 whole Egg
2-¼ cups Flour (more If Needed)
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Combine warm cottage cheese, sugar, minced onion, butter, dill seed/weed (I used dill weed), salt, soda, and egg. Stir to combine.
Stir in yeast mixture gently, then add flour gradually, stirring gently.
Cover dough with plastic wrap and allow it to rise until double in bulk. Punch down dough, then turn into a well-buttered round baking dish. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 45 more minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake bread in lower half of the oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Brush top with melted butter after baking. Serve warm with butter!
I used my ceramic pie plates for the bread
Recipe Linked to:

I love anything dill. This looks really good. I must try!
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