I learned a valuable lesson the other day....Always take your time when your in the kitchen.
See I was frying up some potatoes for dinner and in a hurry like usual, making sure the food is done so the kids have time to eat and can get a bath and make it to bed on time and such. Theres a small window between the time my hubby gets home from work and when the kids go to bed. Now I've always been terrified of chopping food. I'm afraid I'm going to slice my finger off or something. So for Christmas I got this neat mandoline for cutting potatoes. And because I was in a hurry and forgot to use the potato holder while slicing them, slicing by hand....low and behold I cut myself...I cut myself real good. Not enough to require stitches (at least I don't think so) but enough so that my finger is wrapped up in band-aids and it hurts to use. So from now on, dinner get done when dinner gets done.
So in light of my accident prone self, I'm bringing an easy chicken finger dish. This recipe is out of the Southern Plate cookbook by Chrisyy Jordan (she may have it on her site too, I haven't checked) I love Christy. She is such a doll and her recipe are very simple and easy to use with that great southern flare to them. If you haven't seen or gotten her cookbook, I highly recommend it.
Chicken Planks
adapted from Southern Plate by Christy Jordan
Cooking Oil
4-5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
2 Eggs
1-2 Sleeves of Saltine Crackers ( I used 1 sleeve of Saltines and 1 Sleeve of Ritz Crackers because that's what I had on hand and both turned out great)
Pour oil in a large skilled to a depth of 1/4 inch. Heat over medium heat while you prepare chicken.
Place chicken in a gallon ziploc bag and beat out until 1/4 inch thick. Crack eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork. Crush crackers and put into a separate bowl. Cut each chicken breast into three strips and dip each piece in the egg mixture, then in the crackers, being careful to cover completely. Drop each piece into the oil and cook, turning once, over medium to medium- high heat until browned on both sides. Drain on a paper-towel lined plate.
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